KENGURU.PRO workout grounds in Sochi, Russia

New functional workout grounds were constructed in the resort area of the Krasnodar Krai. Both tourists and locals can now visit the workout grounds at any time. The workout equipment is located next to a children’s playground, for the children to always be visible to their parents, who are training. Also, children can use the workout grounds to train, because, after all, KENGURU.PRO sports equipment is convenient and safe.

Physical education and workout – these are the first and foremost conditions for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and for building up strength and stamina, so it is important to engage in physical activities everyday, even when on a vacation.

The workout grounds are located at: Kurotny Avenue 89, Sochi.

Equipment / / KENGURU.PRO workout grounds in Sochi, Russia

KENGURU.PRO workout grounds in Sochi, Russia

New functional workout grounds were constructed in the resort area of the Krasnodar Krai. Both tourists and locals can now visit the workout grounds at any time. The workout equipment is located next to a children’s playground, for the children to always be visible to their parents, who are training. Also, children can use the …

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